Friday, May 3, 2013

Who Were You?
I was a influence, a bad one.
I was eating at your every word.
I was hiding from the good.
Wearing everything you werent suppose to.
It was just us two.
Persuading you.
I wanted your commitment.
It was us and only us.
We were going places without any trust.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I feel like my lifes a board.
Im not bored but theres spots that need to be filled.
Some are filled with Family.
My inspiration.
My life is a board filled with words that describe me.
Filled with friends that stand beside me.
And a sport that shaped me.
My life is a jumble, or a scrabble.
A board with plenty of confusion.
But a life i love.
Sure there are spots that need to be filled.
But thats all to come.
My life is a board that is all but done.

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Kids Say, I Say
How come I dont look like dad?
Your my favorite mom today.
Our dogs a he, isnt she?
If im younger than Lucy (our dog) howd you get her first?
When i fell from the sky did i land on my feet?
Mom, he said DAM!
My other parents are younger.
It looked like a waterfall coming from his mouth!
Sorry sorry sorry!
Ill read if i can watch tv!
No, why not? thats not fair!
Mom can I..ask your dad, Dad, can I..ask your Mom..she said yes.
My day was as good as my life.